Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I did actually write yesterday 158

I did actually write yesterday but I didn't post. I was mad that I was ok with eating that much junk food. It was not ok. I know it's not good for my body and yet I still indulged too much. I'm trying to be healthy not just thin so I need to stop making excuses for when I eat like that. What I eat is not going to make me fit in with people, nor should it really change the experience of enjoying events. I need to remember that because I got so caught up in wanting to try stuff or not wanting to talk about "diets" that I lost some control. Even though I didn't gain weight I should have been losing it. I'm not going to beat myself up over it I just need to work harder to find more healthy foods that I enjoy over picking the unhealthy foods or unhealthy portions.

I'm still noticing my body is changing... My legs looked less like cottage cheese yesterday when I was staring at them in the mirror.

I ate a salad yesterday with little dressing (I guess it's a start for trying to incorporate more vegetables more regularly).

Yesterdays Workout: 66 minutes on the elliptical with weight training for the arms
I haven't exercised yet today but I will.

Edit: I weighed myself just now and I'm 158.

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