Sunday, July 4, 2010

Weightloss with Glitches

I weighed in today at 210lbs. So that means I guess I'm doing a better job than I thought. Reaching for the fruit whenever I'm moderately hungry because I don't have to do anything to prepare it except washing it. Also, I ate this amazing salad last night. It was spinach with this other dark leaf, cheese, bacon, tomatoes, and croutons. I didn't eat much croutons, cheese, or bacon but it was awesome together. I will try some version of this during the week to break up eating rice. Also, my oven is reeks of gas when I use it so I won't be using my oven until it gets fixed. Last time I used it I was nauseous, the time before that I vomited.

Exercises of the week: Wii Fit, Tae-bo, and belly dance. Mostly the wii concentrating on ab strength exercises and jogging.


- Try to do the elliptical for at least 10 minutes a day since I ate cake and cookies.
- Make a salad for dinner one night.
- Practice ways of making exercising fun!

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