Friday, July 9, 2010

Cleaning the fridge!

I cleaned out my fridge last night learning how much food I've wasted by not really buying what I like to eat and also over buying things. I also took time to wash and cut vegetables so when I want a snack I just reach in to grab a baggie of vegetables. This should be a habit for me to continue. I also put a list of foods on the refrigerator to remind myself of the good things to eat. It still makes me mad how much I noticed in stores of them promoting the unhealthy foods and then hear that the same time about the obesity soaring.

My sisters and I were at Claire's, an accessories store. Don't get me wrong I love shopping at Claire's but most of their food jewelry was junk food. They had sushi but not just a vegetable necklace. It had me thinking... "Oh yeah, kids hate vegetables"... but then, "Aren't they just programmed to hate them when celebrities and cartoon stars are plastered all over different junk foods"....

Any who, I made the fridge a lot more orderly to hopefully not waste so much food. It's meat free now. If I make fish, which is the only thing I can find in small quantities besides beef cubes. I will get it fresh and only the amount I'll need for the meal. Otherwise I know I'll waste it.

I was also thinking about the idea of breakfast... bacon, eggs, pancakes, the whole works. Why does it have a specific category for what you eat in the morning? This morning I ate salad.

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