Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ups and Down: Full Reality: 202

Going on vacation with my family and having my anniversary. I'm at 202. I was at 201 before all this but I'm still working out the reality of spending time with a lot of people. I need to keep up with being about my food regime when out in the company of people. It was fun to enjoy the food but I'm going to keep exercising. I only exercised a little through all the festive activities. I could exercise at work if I really need to find time. This should be interesting. I'm motivated to keep going and it's interesting that people are already noticing the difference in my appearance. I just want to be healthy. So I'll keep eating loads of vegetables and fruits and exercise.

P.s. Going on my boyfriend's treadmill never felt better today! 46 minutes while watching television!

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