Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Thank you Raquel for the encouraging words! I find it hard sometimes to look at the fact I am not back at 220. I'm afraid of going back there so I'm going to stick with this. I did the 100 squats challenge YouTube video again this morning even though my legs were sore walking into work. I'm hoping that I can see visual results eventually. I know for sure now that I'm definitely being treated differently though because of the weight gain. Your weight shouldn't define you. I'm going to try harder to eat the lunches I bring to school instead of avoiding them. I ate scrambled eggs for dinner and breakfast yesterday and chicken for lunch. I was supposed to cook chicken last night but I didn't feel like going to the grocery. I wanted to bake it with celery and zucchini. I will do it tonight. I hate being in the 160s. I actually dislike being in the 150s but I could tolerate it. If I can keep up just coming into work and doing my morning exercises then I should be able to develop a routine. 

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