Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I'm not sure how my weight jumped like that. I went to the gym last night and did a hard workout. Running/walking, arm exercises, the ab machine, the seated mid row machine, 20lb. squats, and more running/walking. Maybe it's water retention? I went to the grocery also to load up on healthy foods. 19 cans of tuna or really all the grocery had of the tuna I eat. I was able to get the tuna a $1 off for each so I saved a lot. My lunch is still missing greens. I don't really want to bring in salads because I always end up leaving the containers and it getting nasty. I've read before to not worry too much about the scale when coming back to the gym but I want my clothes to fit. I'm not trying to by new clothes because I have other plans. This is going to be a long journey. I'm going to try and not get jealous that the other people who started at the same time I started blogging have reached goal. My journey is different. I need to up my self esteem to the point that I don't need to worry about other making fun of me all the time when I'm hanging out with people. Regardless of why they are making fun of me.

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